Below are my responses to the Questionnaire from the Call:

Some additional links have been added.

Full name:  Megan Holly Gadallah

Phone number: 314-484-6387 

Date of birth:  November 1, 1987

Address: 8875 Manda Lane

Spouse’s name:  Marwan Gadallah

Occupation and company name:  Conflicts Specialist, Armstrong Teasdale Law Firm

Public offices now held: None

Public offices held in the past:  None

Party affiliation - None  

Reason for seeking office:

Being a mother of school aged children and professional in our community gives me a unique perspective from others currently on the board. A variety of perspectives are needed in public offices and lead to a more vibrant community.

Educational background:

BA from University of Missouri- Columbia, 2010;

MA in Counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary, 2016

Professional, church and community memberships:

Girl Scouts of America, Member and Troop Leader; Attend Vineyard Community Church. 

What issue do you consider the single most important issue in this race and why?

Connection and communication between our city and our residents. I believe that our residents want to be more involved. Our  current options for doing so are limited. My goal would be to make meetings more accessible via online streaming, to create more lines of communication regarding when, where and what decisions are going to be made and have been made at the city level so our residents are able to become more active participants.

Other issues you perceive in your race and your position on each:

Increasing safe, physical access (raised crosswalks, with enhanced lighting, with highly maintained reflective markings on crosswalks) for all children and families, particularly in school zones and high foot traffic areas. I would work to create community volunteer days to give people the opportunity to help neighbors who are struggling to maintain their properties for various reasons, helping to facilitate a stronger sense of community. Other cities are doing this and we could model best practices based on what other cities are doing.

Links regarding traffic calming measures:

Comprehensive PROVEN Traffic Calming SAFETY Countermeasures, from the Federal Highway Administration, (FHWA):

and National Association of City Transportation Officials, (NACTO)

and  and 

and the new American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials  (AASHTO) Fifth Edition Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities, researched and written by Toole Design,  

These should be utilized and implemented, to improve the SAFETY of All Users, which shall include, but not be limited to, Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Disabled Individuals, on All Roads in Crestwood, especially Arterial Roads (Watson Rd) owned and managed by MoDOT, and (Big Bend Rd) owned and managed by St. Louis County.

Should the public be allowed to speak at city meetings?

Absolutely. There needs to be clear criteria on how to speak and the time frame for speaking so that we can have as much input from a variety of citizens as possible.  

In your opinion, have the Board of Aldermen and other city officials complied fully with the Sunshine Law? What will you do as an elected official to ensure compliance with the Sunshine Law?

Yes. As an Alderperson I would work for any citizen who expressed they were denied access to obtain the documents they have a legal right to. 

What is your position on the use of tax-increment financing and other tax tools?

It depends on the project and as long as it does not erode the tax base of our schools. Developers who are given tax abatements should set up Not-For-Profit - Pilot programs to cover the lost revenue for the Lindbergh School District. 

Are you satisfied with the Crestwood Crossing development?  

It is great that the City of Crestwood worked to achieve a multi use development on this property. It is important for the future of our City to create a vibrant city center. While I am happy with this development, I would love to see more SAFE pedestrian connectivity to and from Crestwood Crossing.  Additionally, a great addition would be a family friendly area where families can sit on a patio and enjoy a coffee or bite to eat while kids run around on a green space, or their dog can sit with them while they stop for a coffee during a morning stroll. 

Do you support the use of eminent domain for redevelopment projects? Why or why not? Please be specific. 

The use of eminent domain in redevelopment projects should create a Win-Win solution  for the City of Crestwood and residents. Eminent domain is useful in certain situations when necessary, with consensus and fair compensation. 

Do you agree with the direction the city is moving under Mayor Scott Shipley?

I respect our Mayor and I look forward to working with him and the rest of our council  to  improve  the lives of all Crestwood residents. I support the success of Crestwood Crossing, our Community Center, and Parks.

What is your vision for the city of Crestwood?

My vision for the City of Crestwood is to listen to all residents, and respond respectfully in a timely manner, to collaboratively work as a team, to improve the quality of life of all residents, of all ages, and of all abilities, to make the City of Crestwood the best it can be. 

Is the city of Crestwood business friendly? What do you propose to keep current businesses in the city and attract new economic development?

The more bikeable and walkable we make Crestwood, the more conducive it becomes for fostering community &   economic development, therefore generating more revenue, and establishing financial stability (new businesses) to effectively plan for future generations to come.  

Should the city of Crestwood be more bicycle friendly? If so, what do you propose?

Most definitely, our city should be more bicycle and pedestrian friendly. We need to utilize and implement a protected bike lane and/or multi-shared-use path network providing safe physical connectivity to our schools, businesses, parks, stores, churches, recreation center, and Grants Trial-GRG trail system. Covered bike racks should be provided at above locations for residents and citizens to park their bikes. While 700,000 people use Grants Trail every year, we (the City of Crestwood) should collaborate with MoDOT and GRG to proactively establish this Safe Connected Bicycle Network, that will increase economic development and revenues to the City of Crestwood for years to come. This will also create an increasingly vibrant sense of community. 

Protected Bike Lanes Mean Business:

Are you satisfied with the performance of City Attorney Lisa Stump?  

I look forward to working with Ms. Stump who has expertise in governmental and education law, areas essential to our city governance. 

Are you satisfied with the performance of City Administrator Kris Simpson?

Kris Simpson’s Citizens Academy is a great example of ways we can increase resident involvement. I look forward to collaborating with Kris to create additional avenues to reach the community, using social media outlets and introducing students to local government with new city field trips. 

Do you support a city-county merger?

My number one goal is to strongly improve the quality and level of services to all Crestwood residents and families. I support ongoing collaboration with all neighboring jurisdictions to improve necessary and effective efficiencies.  At this time, I do not support a City - County merger.  

Traditionally, Crestwood has had a close relationship with Lindbergh Schools. Do you believe the city should maintain a positive relationship with the school district?

Absolutely. The City of Crestwood benefits tremendously from the fact that we have a great school district to send our children to. When people are deciding where they want to live and work, one of the first things they consider is the quality of public schools. It is essential that we continue to support this cornerstone in our community.

Should Crestwood continue to partner with Sunset Hills for SunCrest Fest or other events? Should Crestwood partner with other neighboring municipalities for similar events?

Yes. It is imperative to maintain an ongoing collaborative relationship with Sunset Hills, the Lindbergh School District, and all contiguous communities.

How did you vote in the April 2024 election on Proposition A?

I supported the development of our parks and community center and I believe that we need to continue to develop multi/shared-use paths for increased connectivity and safe access to our Parks, Crestwood Crossing and the Community Center. The proximity of Grants Trail to our Community Center and other Crestwood venues is a major asset and should be put to greater use.

The Benefits of Shared Use Paths, By the Numbers:

What are your thoughts on short-term rentals? Should they be permitted in Crestwood?    

It is important to maintain the integrity of our community.  Enforceable regulations for home rentals are necessary and should be adhered to. 

Do you believe the city provides the public adequate notice of development projects?

Our city communicates with citizens regarding development projects. That said, there is room for improvement and better transparency. People have a lot to say regarding development projects, but not everyone feels as though they can attend all of the meetings in person, or that they know when those meetings are happening. Utilizing technology such as streaming along with harnessing social media and other tools will increase participation leading to a more inclusive and vibrant community. 

How many board meetings have you attended in the past year? In what other ways have you been involved with the city of Crestwood?

I have attended two meetings in person and have followed along with agenda meeting notes and meeting minutes as they are made available by the City of Crestwood. It is important for me to know what will be discussed and what decisions are made by our City Council and our committees. Our family regularly attends functions organized by our city. We regularly use city amenities. My children attended summer camp at Whiteclif and I look forward to increasing involvement over the next several decades. 

What would you do to get community members more involved with and/or interested in city government?

I would make meetings more accessible by streaming meetings. In doing this,  people with restricted mobility, lack of a vehicle, young children at home, those who travel for work, or otherwise can access the meetings on-line. Additionally, I would post simplified versions of the agenda items beforehand, and any applicable previous minutes from past meetings in as many places as possible so residents know if a particular issue  is being addressed that matters to them. I would also like to make it easier for residents to connect with our city's decision makers and would propose potential office hours with the city administrator for citizens to ask specific questions.